The release date for The Visions of Bezek is now set for May 2023. Originally, I’d hoped to release the novel during October 2022, but instead of releasing the novel, I learned a lot of lessons about writing and publishing a book. There’s still a good bit of ground to cover before the release date.
The good news is that progress is being made and the book now has a cover. Since I know very little about designing book covers, I ended up outsourcing it. The company I hired was Miblart, and they did an amazing job. They made major improvements to the draft I sent over. The results went beyond my expectations. See for yourself.

In the cover, I wanted to focus on some of the most important elements of the book: the lake, the town, and the light. I’d originally drafted four different covers and asked for people to vote for them. You might remember that. Some of them were more artistic, but I think this cover represents the book more than anything else.
Earlier in this blog, I mentioned that I’d learned a lot of lessons these last few months about publishing. Well, I’ve been researching paperback, hardback, and color options. It looks like I will end up releasing three versions of the book. There will be an eBook, a standard edition paperback, and a deluxe edition hardback. So what is the difference between these?
The ebook and standard edition paperback are the same, except, of course, an ebook is intangible. They will both be black and white with art limited to a map and the tarot major arcana. As a part of putting together these versions of the book, I’ve been converting the tarot cards I designed into black and white. I’ve been pleased with how well they’ve turned out. I think I might like some a little better than the color versions.
The deluxe edition hardback will be in color and include additional art and other bonus content. I plan to cram in as much extra content as possible. This will include the map, full color versions of the tarot cards, original art for the story, concept information, and lots of other bonuses.
It should go without saying, but all editions will include the full story. These should all be available in May 2023, barring any unforeseeable setbacks, such as a zombie apocalypse or a 2023 pandemic.
In the meantime, while you wait on May 2023, I’ll be posting updates across my social media channels. I’ll also have updates about other upcoming projects, so be sure to stay tuned.