Maybe you’ve already noticed the changes made to the Whispers Newsletter. If you’re not receiving the monthly Whispers Newsletter, there’s an easy fix. Sign up on the home page. You can even get free content by being on the mailing list. It's what they call a win win.

The origin of Whispers is from the town of Bezek. It was the name of the local newspaper. If you’ve read The Visions of Bezek, you might recall a chapter about an employee of Whispers. With the origin in mind, the mailing list newsletter has been changed to look more like a printed newspaper. These changes are limited by presenting emails on multiple devices, but I’m quite happy with the results achieved.
During last year, the newsletter was released weekly. Now, the newsletter will release monthly with more content. Each newsletter will present multiple sections included a primary headline, a cat corner, project updates, and more. I hope you enjoy the improved newsletters.