The month of March has been a test of endurance, with an average of ten daily hours of taxes and one to two hours of writing each evening. I don’t recommend it. The effort; however, was not in vain. I completed The Veiled Maze for beta reader distribution, and am on track to release it late April 2023. If you're interest in being a beta reader for ZanderverZ on future projects, feel free to reach out. There’s always room for more.
Now’s a good time to say how much I appreciate the beta readers that helped with this project. I need all the help I can get and am sincerely greatly for all of you. Nothing puts me in my place better than when someone finds plot holes in my story.
I was surprised how quickly and efficiently I wrote this novella, and I owe it all to the Nine Draft Process. If you’re interested in reading more about that process, I have a series of blogs about it. I’m overdue for part 4 of the series, but tax season.

The Veiled Maze (“TVM” for short) is a novella that takes place in the town of Bezek, about two years before the visions detailed in The Visions of Bezek. TVM provides a standalone story and is a gateway book into the world of Bezek. You can read it first, or you could read it after The Visions of Bezek. The order doesn’t matter.
TVM is about a couple that comes to Bezek, because the town’s hospital is world renown for having medical treatment light-years ahead of everywhere else. Some even consider the results to be downright miracles. Roland and Ruth are unsure what to expect, but they’re hopeful. They spend their first day in Bezek together, reminiscing about their 40+ years of marriage and taking in the beautiful scenery. They’re about to learn how costly a miracle can be, for sometimes, when you choose to glimpse the truth, you risk learning more than you ever wanted to know. During the journey, you’ll see some familiar faces and places from The Vision of Bezek, if you read that first. If not, you’ll be free to enjoy the novella without an intense, overwhelming fear of impending doom. That might be a joke.
They’ll be some minor changes between the current version of TVM and the final version, but the accountant in me has some current version statistics to provide you. Who doesn’t love a good set of numbers? Am I right? TVM has eleven chapters with an average chapter word count of 2,104. The total word count is about 23,146, which comes out to be about 80 manuscript pages.
So how do you get a copy of TVM? Did I mention it’ll be available for free? If you’re on the Whispers Newsletter email list, you’ll have access to The Veiled Maze for free. If you insist on giving me your money, you’ll find an ebook copy on Amazon, eventually, but it will remain a Whispers exclusive for a while. So the moral of the story is to sign up to the mailing list here.
See you in the maze...