He’s Going to Kill You
(The first novel in the Gonna Kill You Trilogy book series)
July was another month in my writing sprint for He’s Going to Kill You. It’s also the most intense month. Sailing is pretty smooth from here. Not that I’ve ever been sailing.
I’ve never told anyone this, but I have a master novel guide spreadsheet, which I use as a road map to take my book from an idea to a published masterpiece. There are 13 steps.
During the month of July, I finished steps five and six, which keeps me on schedule for a December release date. Step seven is the longest step, because it relies on others. It’s a lengthy process of sending the novel out to different groups of readers. As it stands, the novel is out with a couple of alpha readers. Once I hear from them, I’ll make a few changes and send the novel out to beta readers. If you’re interested in being a beta reader, reach out to me here.
The Reboot of the Nine Draft Process
Months ago, I started blogging about my writing process. Perhaps you’ve noticed? With my third book in the works, I can confirm The Nine Draft Process is working for me. So why did the blog about it come to a halt? The answer is simple. The next blog entry would have covered the flat draft, and to provide an adequate example, I’d almost have to write a chapter for a book. So I’ve continued to put off the task.
Moving forward, my plan is to reboot the blog back from the intro forward, using He's Going to Kill You as the example. Most of my examples are already prepared because I used the Nine Draft Process for He's Going to Kill You. So it won’t disrupt my other projects. My goal is to give others an insight into my process, hoping it might help them with their writing or at least provide them with interesting details about ZanderverZ.
Other Projects
Previously, I’ve listed Redivium, The Detectives of Bezek, Stained Stories, and REM Gear as other projects in the works. Hence forth, they’re being removed from the website, and from these project updates. These are still real projects I hope to complete one day; however, as a one man show, I realize I can only make progress on one project at a time. So those projects were just hanging around with no real purpose.
Anticipated Releases
December 2023: He’s Going to Kill You
Summer 2024: She’s Going to Kill You
December 2024: They’re Going to Kill You