It’s been a long journey, though it’s been a short period of time. I started He’s Going to Kill You in June 2023 and more or less finished it up in November 2023. Now the fruit or my labor is on Amazon for the world to enjoy. This marks my second release on Amazon, and my third published work. We’re going to take this Whisper entry to talk about the novel.
He’s Going to Kill You started brewing in my mind during early 2023, with the idea of a wonderful first date ending with on an ominous note (pun intended). My wanderer’s mind dreamed of all the places the simple concept could lead. It was enticing for me, and I thought it might be enticing for my readers.
Here’s the blurb:
Prepare for a pulse‑pounding tale where first impressions might be final impressions. The first-date sparks of budding romance with Jake McFadden quickly ignite into a dangerous inferno as the waitress slips a suspicious note to his date. It reads:
Join his date on this Christmas Eve brunch to find out if Jake’s taking her to bed or taking her to the grave. With each page you turn, the lines between fear and reality blur. You will question every thought and every action in search of the truth as the stakes continue to rise. Nothing will ever be the same.
With this novel, I set a few goals for myself. I wanted to write it different from my first two books. So I wrote this in the first person present tense. It was a challenging change, but ultimately, an enjoyable challenge. The second goal was to write a novel with an enticing hook. I think I’ve accomplished this. Who doesn’t want to know if Jake’s taking her to bed?
Originally, the story was intended to be an intense thriller, but I ended up projecting a little too much of my silly self onto the main character. So I ended up with a comedy thriller, which sits well with me. I didn’t even realize it was a genre until I wrote it. Ha.
The novel consists of twenty-six chapters and above 40K words, landing the physical copy around 150 pages. Most of the chapters are intentionally short, going back to my idea of having an intense thriller. It’s worth noting that the story is still intense and a thriller, but the level of humor makes the stakes seem less significant.
This book is the first in the Gonna Kill You Trilogy and will leave you with questions that get answered in the second novel, which is currently underway and targeting a Summer 2024 release date.
Events in the story primarily take place on December 24th in a small town named Alma. The first chapter covers the wonderful first date, but ends with the ominous note. The remaining 25 chapters deal with what comes next, sprinkled with a little small town mystery and back story. Though this story is separate from The Visions of Bezek, there is a small connection that most people probably won’t catch.
If you’re looking for something to read that will keep you on the edge of your seat this Christmas, this book is for you. And stay tuned for updates about the sequel: She's Going to Kill You.