She’s Going to Kill You
(Book Two of the Gonna Kill You Trilogy Series)
I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel with this project. In less than a month, She's Going to Kill You will be released into the wild. Be on the lookout for the release email. There will be a new release sale, which will include a discount on the first book. Be sure to subscribe to the Whispers Newsletter to get the update when the sale starts.
It won't be long now...
They're Going to Kill You
(Book Three of the Gonna Kill You Trilogy Series)

Work has started on the third and final book of the trilogy. I've already got a few ideas drafted, and I'm aiming to release this one around Mother's Day 2025.
This will be the grand conclusion to Lucy's story, and perhaps, unveil the truth behind the dark secrets of Alma. I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes. I hope you are, too.

This one has been on the back burner for quite a while, and I'm starting to dust it off. It's a fantasy based story, which is planned to be more visually based than my previous novels. I've been working on a few character designs during these recent weeks. This is for a character named Ned.
I've actually been working on this story since I was a teenager, so I've got a massive foundation to build it on.
There's no set release date at this time, but it's in my work in progress queue.
GHOSTS - A Collection of Haunted Poetry
This one has recently been added to my list of current projects. I've been sitting on over a hundred poems I wrote ages ago, and I've started sorting them into collection while making improvements to them. This is planed to be one of those collections accompanied by artwork.
STRAY (working title)
I'm pretty excited about this story, but I'm not ready to show any details. You'll have to check in next time.
Anticipated Release Dates
June 2024: She’s Going to Kill You
May 2025: They’re Going to Kill You