July 2024 falls on a short list of significant dates in Alexander history. On that list you’ll find the day I was born, the day I graduated college, the day I wed my lovely wife, the day I published my first book, and this new entry from July 2024.
So what happened last month? Well, I accomplished a long-term dream of mine, and as of August 1st, I have my own CPA firm.

When I started college, I didn’t know what I wanted to do. There was a list of undesirable jobs in my head, and somewhere inside, there was an urge to work in the business world. That led me to majoring in business administration.
After two years, when it was time to graduate with an associate’s degree, my guidance counselor told me that business administration doesn't lead to many job opportunities. She told me I needed to pick something more specific. So, my finger went to the top of the list of business majors: Accounting. I didn’t read any farther. I didn’t really care. Accounting had found me as much as I’d found it. No one knew the impact this nonchalant choice would have on my life.
Three years later, I’d poured my life into getting a degree in accounting and the proper number of classes to take the CPA exam. A job quickly landed in my lap after graduation, while passively searching for one. After a year of working in the field, I received my CPA license. From there, I continued working for a public accounting firm for almost twelve years.
Over those years, I’ve found that my career path has become a powerful part of my identity. No part of me regrets the decision I made to take this path. From time to time, over the years, I’ve daydreamed of having my own firm, and now it’s come to pass. I’m now working under my own banner, doing what I love.
I could not have done this without the encouragement and support of those that have believed in me along the path.
First and foremost are my parents. They forced me to go to college, and yes, I mean forced. It wasn’t optional. They knew it was best for me even when I protested that I didn’t want to go. This is just one small slice of the encouragement and support they gave, even though at the time, I was an unappreciative brat.
Moving along in chronological order, Tom Finney was the gentleman that hired me into my first accounting job. He’d hired a recruiter to find him a CPA. Her name was Kim Bishop. I’ll never forget her either. She found me and jumpstarted my career. Fortunately for me, she misread the information on my resume and thought I was a CPA. After talking over the phone, she forwarded my information to Tom, as I was only one test away from becoming a CPA. When I met Tom, he decided I was a good fit, and he hired me.
I remember two encouraging conversations with Tom Finney. After I passed the last test of the CPA, I discovered that a year of experience is required to get your license. Tom and I were previously under the impression I'd be a CPA after the last test. A part of me became fearful that this would cause me to lose my job, but I went to Tom with the truth, regardless. He reassured me that my place was here, and my job wasn’t at risk.
The second conversation came nearly a year later. Tom decided he wanted to sell his business. He didn’t own a CPA firm. It was only a tax office. During the year I worked there, I’d learned a great deal, but I recognized that my knowledge was still lacking. Imposter syndrome struck me. What could I contribute to the new employer? Would it be enough to keep my job or would I lose it? Before Tom sold the business, we spoke. He asked if I planned to stick around, and that by being a CPA, I was a big selling point for the sale of his business. Once again, he reassured me that I was where I belong.
My next employer, and next person on this list, is Mike Crisler, who’s been one of the most influential figures in my career as both a boss and mentor. So much of what I’ve learned has been under his guidance, where he’s given me a safe place to learn and grow.
I’ve worked for him at his CPA firm for nearly twelve years. He’s trusted me with a great deal of responsibility and put an abundance of faith in me. No doubt, much of my confidence and abilities come from the time I’ve spent working with him over the last decade. I cannot imagine a better place to have worked for all this time, and were it not for this exceptional opportunity to invest in my dream, I would still be happily working under the Crisler banner. I have countless memories of good times with the firm that I wouldn’t trade for anything.
There are many others that have supported and encouraged me along the way, but these are the people that pushed me in my career. These are the people that helped form me into the accountant that I am today.
This year, during July, I signed a contract with Mike to purchase the Tullahoma client base, which is the client base I’ve worked with for my entire career. The stars aligned, and the opportunity presented itself.
With all that said, starting a business is a bunch of work. So my ZanderverZ activities have been slowed. In a couple of weeks, things will level out, and I can get back on track with everything. Until then, I’ll be working ungodly hours to get it all done. Still, I’m looking forward to this adventure. Wish me luck! Oh, and if you need any tax, bookkeeping, or payroll services, shoot my firm an email at alexander@awdaviscpa.com.

Only the best. Chemical Plant: Act1 from Sonic Generations. My love for old Sonic music is a little strange because I missed out on the first few generations of Sonic games. Somehow, I still adore some of these older songs.