Taxdate: March 30, 2023. These are the voyages of an accountant, that’s trying to write in his free time. Maybe you get the reference, or maybe you’ll never know. Either way, March has been a lovely month with an overwhelming abundance of tax season work. Have you filed your taxes? The deadline is just around the corner.

If you live in or around TN, you’re familiar with the daily alternating summer and winter weather. You always bring a coat because you never know what’s going to happen with the weather. That’s always been an added bonus to tax season.
Other than the soul-crushing, never-ending wealth of tax returns in my life, I’ve somehow found the time to complete my manuscript for The Veiled Maze. If you don’t know about it, you can read about it here. That's certainly been a highlight for my month. It's also worth noting that I'm only a few clicks away from publishing my first novel, The Visions of Bezek, on Amazon.
Somewhere in between the taxes and writing, I amazingly found some time to enjoy a few movies, beat a videogame, and go see a musical. I really don’t know how I had time for all that, but it happened.
The fourth installment of the Matrix movies has been on my watch list for sometime, but being the person who I am, I had to watch the first three movies again to set up for the fourth. I’ll be frank, I wasn’t the happiest with the fourth movie. I was; however, surprised to discover that the first movie still holds up well. It’s by far the best of the four movies. It dials down a lot of the fantasy elements and techno jargon that play larger parts in the other movies. I’m glad I saw the fourth movie, but I won’t be watching it again.
We also found the time to see Into the Woods at a local theater. This was an absolute joy to see (and hear). If you’re not familiar with this musical, it’s basically intertwines multiple fairy tales into a single story. There’s Red Ridding Hood, Cinderella, Jack and the Beanstalk, and more. There’s a live action Disney adaptation, which I enjoy, but nothing beats seeing it live.
What was that other thing I did? Oh yeah. I beat the remake of Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core. It only took me about four months because I was too busy writing The Veiled Maze. Nevertheless, it got beat. The gameplay suffers from a good deal of filler, but the overall story is worth it. The entire Final Fantasy 7 story is a convoluted mess, but they got it right for this game. Next on the list is the Resident Evil 4 remake. I’ve started it, and I’m in love. You’ll have to forgive me, but I don’t know if I can write again until I’ve finished it. I consider the original version of the game to be the greatest game ever made. So far, this one has been improvements all around.
And the most exciting news of all, my wife completed her Master’s program. Congratulations! Now, she’ll have more time to spend with the cats.
I'll see you on the other side of tax season.
Currently listening: Silence. It’s golden. Don't waste it.