What is February? Some might say that it’s a month for lovers. Others might say it’s just another cold set of winter days. I say, it’s the month of tax fever.

What have I done this month? I’ve worked on over a hundred tax returns. What have millions of Americans done this month? Gathered their tax information for their tax preparers. It’s the fever. I somehow prepared and file the taxes for ZanderverZ this month. The IRS and the fine state of Tennessee have received their dues.
Looking back at the month, it feels like all taxes, but that isn’t true. There’s more time in a week than the sixty hours I spend doing taxes, and fifty hours I spend sleeping. So where does it go?
The highlight was a wonderful Valentine’s Day dinner with my lovely wife. We rarely make it out on the actual day. It would have to be after seven if it’s on a weekday. Thanks, tax season. And it’s also going to be packed everywhere on the holiday. The weekend after suits us just as well. This year was a memorable meal at a local restaurant, and a pleasant break from taxes and novels.
The most exciting ZanderverZ news is the arrival of my standard paperback proof and deluxe hardcover proof for The Visions of Bezek. I’ve been writing the book for a while, and it seems unreal to see it in tangible form. Both versions look great, but I will add that I cannot stop looking at the deluxe edition. It's beautiful. Everything is still on track for a May release date. Woo!
The other hours are a mix of ZanderverZ work and fun times with friends and family. Among those moments, I’ve completed a first draft of The Veiled Maze, which I’ll talk about in project updates. We also got to see an excellent movie that’s been on my list for too long. It was called The Last Duel. It a multiple perspective telling of the events leading to France’s last trial by combat during the middle ages. Though it was long, I was quite happy with the film. In the absolute opposite direction of genre, I revisited a childhood animated movie called Rock-A-Doodle. Abby wasn’t impressed, but I still found it charming. It might be an acquired taste.
Now, onward to March! Another exciting month of taxes, and more importantly, my wife’s birthday.
Currently listening: Thunderclouds - Lost Frequencies Remix by Sia (and others). I’ve been playing it on repeat for the last hour or two, and I’m not ready to stop.